Ashish Chawda


LitForm API

College Minor Project

  • An API for form management system
  • Two Roles - Admin and User
  • For Admin users: Get, Create, Update and Delete forms
  • For normal users: view and submit forms
  • Checkout GitHub repository here

Progress Tracker

Google Cloud Ready Facilitator Program

  • Students enrolled in GCRF Program from SSTC, Bhilai can use
  • Students can track their daily progress in the program
  • Progress can be tracked using registered email and Qwiklabs Profile
  • Checkout GitHub repository here

Badge Generator

Google Cloud Ready Facilitator Program

  • Any student enrolled in GCRF Program can use it
  • You can upload your picture and get a badge to share in socials
  • Checkout GitHub repository here

Covid Tracker Web App

  • A web app to show covid details
  • Using Mathdro API to get data from John Hopkins University as JSON
  • Shows Infected, Recovered and Death data
  • Shows country-wise data
  • Shows graph for covid data
  • Checkout GitHub repository here

Simple Calculator

  • Simple calculator with all basic arithmetic operations
  • Checkout GitHub repository here

Portfolio Website

Alexa Developers Community Chandigarh University

  • Simple portfolio website for community event
  • Sections: About me, Projects, Education, Contact form
  • Contact form is sending data to netlify forms
  • Checkout GitHub repository here